Ongoing projects

Title: Generative AI in Assessment and Feedback Activities of Higher Education Courses

Acronym: HEGenAI

The objectives of the HEGenAI project are: 1. To synthesize empirical research and institutional insights, define GenAI-based pedagogical redesign scope, and identify policy-compliant GenAI tools for assessment and feedback activities in HE. 2. to design, develop, pilot, and evaluate training modules for university pedagogy programs for educators to build capacity on GenAI-based assessment and feedback. 3. to develop and apply instruments to measure the impact of training modules for educators. 

Applying design thinking, the consortium will conduct systematic literature review of empirical studies, empirical participatory mixed-methods study in seven universities (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Palestine, and Albania), ideation workshops with educators and students, pilot integration of GenAI in STEM courses, evaluation of usability and impact in the learning process, design and develop training modules for educators and students, conduct training, and develop & implement training impact instrument.

HEGenAI will deliver (1) peer-reviewed review and empirical papers GenAI tool implementation, good practices, and pitfalls in scenarios of assessment and feedback activities of higher education courses, (2) intervention experience based on two iterations of pilot integration of GenAI tools and evaluation of usability, perceived usefulness, and impact on learning, (3) training modules

Applicant organisation: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark

Partner organisations: (1) TALLINNA TEHNIKAULIKOOL, Estonia, (2) Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB, Sweden, (3) An-Najah National University, Palestine, (4) Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie (PTUK), Palestine, (5) Mesdheu Education SHPK, Albania, (6) Universitet Aleksander Xhuvani Elbasan, Albania

Funded By: Erasmus+ KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education

Project Code: 2024-1-DK01-KA220-HED-000257225 

Duration: Three years

Start Date: 01-09-2024

End Date: 31-08-2027

Project lump sum: 400,000 €

National Agency of the Applicant Organisation: DK01 – Danish Agency for Higher Education

Title: MIXed Reality Authoring Applications for and by Teachers in Europe

Acronym: MIXAP-EU

The MIXAP-EU (MIXed reality authoring Applications for and by teachers in Europe) project builds a partnership of researchers and professionals to support in-service teachers in the creation of Mixed Reality (MR) activities for school education. It has three main objectives: providing insight on the best ways to use MR in schools, producing an open-source authoring tool that allows teachers to create custom MR activities, and bringing together a supportive international community of teachers.

We will build an interdisciplinary expert team composed of French, Danish and Turkish partners through several local co-design workshops with more than 30 in-service teachers. We will also evaluate the impact of our proposals by conducting pilot studies in their classes but also at a larger scale, with 100 teachers, all over Europe. Our results will be disseminated across Europe with the help of our technical partners and international networks.

MIXAP-EU will produce a set of methods and guidelines to support teachers in the use of MR to its full educational potential. It will also improve the first basic version of the MIXAP authoring tool ( with extra content and features to help teachers create MR activities and integrate them in their current curriculum. Finally, it will set up a sustainable online community of teachers so they can share good practices and help each other.

Funded By: Erasmus+ KA2

Duration: Three years

Start Date: 01-10-2024

End Date: 30-09-2027

Project lump sum: 400,000 €

Applicant Organisation: Le Mans Université – LMU, France


Title: Portable Video Conferencing Toolkits and Online Applications for Engaging Learning Experience Design in Higher Education Classroom

Acronym: EdViCon

Online teaching that can give the same interaction and engagement of a large classroom of mathematics students, designers in a design studio, or freshmen in a physics laboratory requires fundamental rethinking in making the activities possible. We will develop educational materials to facilitate learning for educators, trainers, and students by adopting portable video conferencing systems and pedagogical designs involving online tools. We will also develop a digital competence matrix for categorizing the skills from three different schools of thought (i) the technology-centered view, (ii) a behaviorist view, and (iii) the social interaction view. The questionnaires developed based on the competence matrix will be a personal development tool for reflecting on the skills gaps and mismatches, which can be reduced by learning from the open-access educational materials made for learning the desired knowledge, competencies, and skills.

Funded By: Erasmus+ KA2

Duration: Three years

Start Date: 28-02-2022

End Date: 27-02-2025

EU Grant: 369.569,00 €

DTU/learnT’s role: Coordinator

Partners: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Aix-Marseille Université, An-Najah National University, Mae Fah Luang University, Universiti Teknologi Mara, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, uQualio, EdTech Denmark

Related links:

EU Project URL

Completed projects

Title: Software Infrastructures for Teaching at Scale (SW12.P12)

Acronym: DIREC P12

To teach many recent topics within digital technology at scale requires proper software infrastructures to support the teaching for lab exercises and projects. Some of these topics are data-driven systems, AI and cloud computing. Commercial providers are offering cloud computing and AI resources, however, in many situations these are ill fit for teaching activities as they are complex for early learners, are problematic due to GDPR, make teaching material obsolete by rapidly changing their UIs and when scaled add a significant cost. Therefore, there is an unmet need for better cloud-like infrastructures which can host sandbox software and datasets for teaching to improve onboarding and retention of students.

Funded By: Digital research centre Denmark

Duration: Two years

Start date: 01-02-2021

End date: 31-01-2023

Partners: Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

DTU Budget:  DKK 5,63 million / DIREC investment DKK 0,88 million

Title: DTU – Supporting Diversity via inclusive Teaching-Learning Activities(SW12.P11)

Acronym: DIREC P11

The mix of students in digital technology is low in diversity (e.g. female students). This is a problem on a societal level which also impacts the study environment.

The partners have already implemented a range of initiatives to address the problem. ITU has several initiatives targeting both recruitment, onboarding, and retention of female students. In the project “Øget diversitet på de teknisk-naturvidenskabelige it-uddannelser” lead by It-vest, the three universities AU, AAU, and SDU are collaborating to implement new initiatives.

Funded By: Digital research centre Denmark

Duration: Two years

Start date: 01-02-2021

End date: 31-01-2023

Partners: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Aarhus University (AU), Aalborg University (AAU), and University of Southern Denmark (SDU)

DTU Budget:  Total budget DKK 6,77 million / DIREC investment DKK 1,01 million

Title: Learning Technology for Improving Teaching Quality at Scale (SW12.P10)

Acronym: DIREC P10

Teaching quality and student feedback is negatively impacted by lack of teachers and many students. There is a need to consider how learning technologies can help improve teaching quality and student feedback both in physical and digital learning environments. The resources for teaching at universities are being reduced and we experience challenges in current technology such as MOOCs (which is at scale).

Within the educational programs digital learning tools have been developed and utilised for many years, e.g. for video lectures, automated correction of exercises, and automated multiple-choice exams etc. However, it does not substitute direct teacher-to-student supervision and the need for teachers to constantly develop existing and new courses to meet the standards.

Funded By: Digital research centre Denmark

Duration: Two years

Start date: 01-02-2021

End date: 31-01-2023

Partners: Aalborg University (AAU), Aarhus University (AU), Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Copenhagen University (KU), IT University of Copenhagen (ITU), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), University of Southern Denmark (SDU)​

DTU Budget: Total budget DKK 5,52 million / DIREC investment DKK 0,84 million

Title: Designing 21st century nursing education by integrating adaptive learning technologies NURSEED

Acronym: NURSEED

Denmark is likely to face a shortage of 6,000 nurses by 2025. New nurses often fail to meet the demands of modern clinical practice, posing a serious risk to the health system. NURSEED will improve the quality of nursing education and lower student dropouts through integrating and adjusting an adaptive learning (AL) platform and redesigning the curriculum accordingly. Danish Higher Education (HE) institutions have to date not yet harnessed the potential of new edtech solutions for more efficient and better education and are furthermore in need of investments to do so. NURSEED will become a groundbreaking showcase on how to best integrate AL technology in quality health education.

Funded By: Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD)

Duration: Three years

Start Date: 01-02-20

End Date: 31-01-24

Project Budget: 23+ Million DKK

IFD Investment: 17,200,014 DKK

Partners: University College Absalon, Technical University of Denmark, Area9 Lyceum, Holbæk Municipality

DTU Budget: 12,425,597 DKK

Title: AI algorithm analyzing EEG signals to measure learning task complexity and learner stress level

Acronym: AI-Denmark

The project aims to utilize the CURVEx brain scanner to investigate the cognitive activity levels of students during classroom study sessions and exams. It involves developing stress profiles using questionnaires and biosignal measurements to segment students into groups, correlating self-reported mental states with measured brain activity using AI algorithms, and assessing the brain scanner’s reliability by comparing self-reported content with EEG signal data. The project also includes notifying students through a mobile app to record themselves using the brain scanner, with data management handled by the CURVEx and DTU teams. This interdisciplinary project at DTU Compute combines hardware and software expertise to advance AI-driven analysis of cognitive states for educational benefit.

Funded By: MeeW ApS

Duration: Three years

Start Date: 25-08-21